I TILTED MY HEAD TO THE SKY, lifting a hand to block out the blinding light. A torrent of shooting stars streaked across the black expanse, filling it with cosmic rays, practically turning night to day. “My son, it’s you. You’ve been chosen.” My father clapped me on the shoulder. I looked to my brother, his head hanging in disappointment. The stars were so bright and unnatural. I couldn’t deny my father’s claim. “Tonight, as soon as you fall asleep, you’ll travel to the gate and receive your powers.” He continued. “What happens after that?” I asked, my voice cracking and unsure. “Then you’ll claim your destiny as the next Weaver.” I shook my head. I spent my entire life waiting for this moment, but now that it was here, I wasn’t sure I was ready—wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready. I stared at my father as my brother returned to our cabin, my mother’s cries spilling out the open door. We both knew what this meant. My father’s time as the Weaver was over, and my family would be forced to leave. For only one Weaver could remain hidden here at a time. “Is there no way you can stay?” My voice hitched. He met my eyes with tears in his own. “You know we can’t. You’re a grown man now, and as soon as you receive your powers, your soul will begin searching for your queen.” He reached out and pulled me into a hug. “I’m not going to lie, son. It can be a long and lonely endeavor. But promise me you’ll never give up hope.” I tightened my hold, not ready to let go. “I promise.”
Milly - Rhode Island, 2016
A BLAZING SUN SCORCHED MY SKIN, baking me in its heat along with the wilted tomatoes dried on the vine. “Mama, what should I do with these?” I yanked the dead plants from the dirt, grasping one in each gloved hand. “Toss them into the compost. Their demise will soon help provide life for another.” She turned to me, smiling and with love in her eyes. “You’re doing so well, Milly. The earth has truly responded to your magic this year.” I held my head high, proud to receive my mother’s praise as I looked out across the blooming beds of our gardens. At thirteen, our hereditary magic now flowed through my veins. And thanks to my mother’s guidance, I knew this was my calling too. Our souls were connected to this land, and my magic grew stronger with each and every season. “Milly…” Mother whispered, her voice sounding wrong. I turned in time to watch her fall. “Mama!” I raced to her side and grabbed her hand. “Mama, what’s wrong?” “My darling girl. I’ve taught you everything you need to know. And now it’s time for you to be brave. Promise me you’ll be brave.” Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I knew this was it. Mama was finally leaving me. After falling sick over the past few years, she made it her mission to teach me all she could about our magic and how to make a living off our land, but I prayed this day would never come. “Milly, promise me you’ll continue your education, and more than anything, promise me you’ll follow your heart.” Mama’s eyes closed, and something inside me broke. The plants and flowers surrounding us wilted alongside my pain. “I promise.”
Present day…
DARKNESS SURROUNDED ME AS I OPENED MY eyes, its emptiness clinging to me like a second skin…...
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